Attending the Downtown Hartford Progressive Dinner is a great way to meet and connect with your fellow Downtown Hartford neighbors, support local businesses and the mission of the SoDo NRZ, and foster community.
As an Attendee, this is what is expected of you:
- Meet up at 5:30 at the pre-Dinner gathering in a neighborhood location TBA, for wine, beer, and hors d'oeuvres and your dinner location assignment.
- Be on time to your Host’s home.
- Bring a bottle of wine for your Host. (Shop local at Capital Spirits or Spiritus!)
- Be mindful of the time so you and your fellow dinner companions can get to the dessert gathering at a separate neighborhood location TBA.
Tickets go on sale Wednesday, February 5. A portion of the proceeds will go towards SoDo NRZ projects such as tree plantings, Community Garden support, Winterfest sponsorship, and community engagement. Advance tickets only, no tickets will be sold at the door. Ticket sales close at 5 pm EST on Tuesday, March 4.
Please Note: Due to the nature of the event as neighborhood community builder and the limited number of seats available, Attendee preference is given to SoDo Members and Downtown and Charter Oak residents.
Please Note: Due to the nature of the event as neighborhood community builder and the limited number of seats available, Attendee preference is given to SoDo Members and Downtown and Charter Oak residents.