February 2024 Meeting will be HYBRID!


Our February 21, 2024 meeting will be our first hybrid meeting using our new Owl camera and projector, acquired through the City and Hartford Next's Community Outreach funds. We hope more neighbors will be able to join us this way, especially as there are so many new projects planned for our community.

Our February guests from Spinnaker Real Estate and the City Department of Economic Development will share development updates on some of those projects that are already in the works: new apartments at 525 Main Street and the empty lot behind it that faces Pulaski Circle, the soon-to-be-opened apartments at 55 Elm Street, and the parking lot at 63 Capitol Avenue. Plus, representatives from the Greater Hartford Mobility Study will share some highlights from their report.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 21 at 6:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church of Hartford, 136 Capitol Avenue. Enter through the small white building to the right of the main church.  Or join us online on Zoom.

We look forward to catching up on neighborhood news with you!

Check out the rest of the February newsletter here.

(Photo above is of the late Ani Mal Chin on Hudson Street, during a past snowstorm.)