It was so nice to see so many neighbors on our September Zoom meeting, let's do it again!
The next SoDo NRZ meeting of the 2020-21 year will be Wednesday, October 21 at 6:00 pm on Zoom. RSVP to SoDoNRZ@gmail.com for the link and Agenda.
Shelby Williams of Voices of Women of Color will be our guest speaker, regarding CT's flavored tobacco legislation. In addition, representatives from MDC will join us with an update on their year-long road work in our area, and representatives from Link4Life will share plans for a new sculpture that potentially will be installed in Buckingham Square Park. We look forward to catching up on neighborhood news with you!
Our meetings typically include reports from Hartford NEXT, Community Garden, and the Outreach and Social Committees, reports from HPD and HFD on activity in the neighborhood, and updates from various City offices such as Community Engagement, Planning & Development Services, and Sustainability. We occasionally have special guests who share information relevant to quality of life in the city or the neighborhood.
Our Annual Meeting & Elections (postponed from June due to Covid) will be held at an upcoming meeting. Any member of the SoDo neighborhood is eligible for nomination to the Board. Want to know more? Email SoDoNRZ@gmail.com with your questions.
Who qualifies as a member of an NRZ? All residents (including tenants), property owners, business owners, and non-profits within an NRZ's neighborhood boundaries are automatically members of the NRZ. Our meetings are public and open to all. If you are not sure if your home, property, business, or organization lies within the SoDo NRZ boundaries, please check out this map. If you think you might qualify for another NRZ, check out this map. If you have questions, email SoDoNRZ@gmail.com.
You can view past meeting minutes and newsletter editions on this website. And don't forget to check out our Facebook and NextDoor pages for neighborhood news and photos.