A snowy east half of SoDo as seen from Bushnell Towers. Photo by Heather McLarney. |
There's so much to love about SoDo. The historic buildings and beautiful architecture. Great restaurants like Peppercorn's, 50 Elm, and Republic. Being able to run out for milk or a sandwich (or ice cream!) at NY Deli and Noble Gas. The small businesses, old and new. The walkability. But most of all, the neighbors. The people who choose to live, work and play in our "village" are what really make it special, If you want to meet some of them and learn what else is going on, come to the next meeting of your NRZ:
Wednesday, February 20 at 6 pm at South Church (enter on John Street.)
Our meeting will include reports from Hartford 2000, Community Garden, and the Social Committee, and updates on fire and police activity in the neighborhood. Our special guests will be
Erik Johnson, the City's new Director of Development Services, and
Steven Yanicke of a new Hartford-based street-furniture startup. We hope to see lots of neighbors there.