Happy New Year, Neighbors!
Although we did not meet in December, it was still a festive and neighborly month for SoDo: our Holiday Happy Hour at Sol y Luna was a fun night with drinks, mini-tacos, and Santa (aka SoDo VP Frank Sentner), and just before the holidays, a small team of volunteers managed to hang up some of our lit evergreen garlands at the East end of Capitol Avenue.
In other neighborhood news, the proposed apartment building at 17 Wells Street (currently a parking lot behind 525 Main Street, facing Pulaski Circle) has been in the news as the developers seek $7M in CRDA funding. The original scope of this project was shared at our February 2024 meeting, and you can read the most recent articles here.
Our next SoDo meeting is Wednesday, January 15 at 6:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church of Hartford, 136 Capitol Avenue (enter through the small brick building to the right of the main church.) Or join us via Zoom. Here are links to Join the Meeting, November Minutes, and January Agenda. And be sure to check out this month's newsletter for more neighborhood news, including a list of restaurants/cafes in SoDo, the return of the 311 app, City Snow Parking Ban info, the date of the 2025 Progressive Dinner, and more free stuff for Hartford residents.