After its four-year hiatus and only ten days of ticket sales, the 10th Downtown Progressive Dinner, Sponsored by the SoDo NRZ, is almost sold out (as of this morning, only six tickets left). If you’d like to attend, get your tickets ASAP at the link below. And if you are considering hosting, we’d love to have you. Sign up at the link below or email if you have questions about what hosting entails. (More Hosts = more space for more Attendees!)
In other Downtown news, CVS has indicated they will close their store at 777 Main Street (corner of Pearl). Some concerned SoDo neighbors have drafted a petition asking them to keep that location open, or move to a nearby location to serve downtown residents, office workers, and visitors. Please scroll down and add your name and voice to this appeal.
Our next SoDo meeting is Wednesday, February 19 at 6:00 pm. Due to the anticipated temperatures, this meeting will be Zoom only. Here are links to the Zoom Meeting, Agenda, and Minutes from the January meeting.